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What to Do If Your Teen Resists Going to Addiction Treatment

But also, don’t forget to call out progress and provide positive reinforcement when they do make changes or meet new goals. Cut to about 2 years ago when I noticed the behavior change. Mind you, he lived with me in my apartment and never once paid rent or bills. He would have me up all night wondering where he was. He cracked up his car, would nod out while standing in the middle of the living room, even stole money from me that I had won and was keeping secret in a drawer.

how can i force my adult daughter into rehab for crack addiction

The pressure increased as debt letters began coming through the door. Her constant taking of Tramadol was out of control. Hiding debt letters, falling asleep in front of the children. Her sleep patterns were out the window she became very difficult to contact during the day. We could never talk about the issues we were facing because she wasn’t in any fit state. Due to the arguments social services were involved.

Admitting its time to learn how to stop enabling your grown child

Changing the dynamic of your relationship between you and your addicted son or addicted daughter will require setting clear boundaries around yourself, your finances and your home. Consider the ways that you may be enabling your child’s addiction and reinforcing codependency. Are you giving them money, shelter, or resolving other problems for them? Let your son or daughter know that you will no longer be continuing to engage in behaviors that support their addiction. Create a list of personal boundaries, rules around your home, your finances and yourself, as well as consequences for breaking these rules.

It’s likely that in our lifetime, if we don’t love someone with an addiction, we’ll know someone who does, so this is an important conversation to have, for all of us. Similarly, if you inform the court that your loved one’s addiction caused them to commit a crime and they need rehab, they might get it. It is thought that this form of forced treatment is preferable to incarceration. But if you can show that your loved one has a drug or alcohol addiction and that, without help, they would hurt themselves or others, you can usually force them into rehab.


He stopped alcohol, started on weed and THC (idk if it’s the same thing) and him being high 24/7 is absolutely a turn off which he doesn’t understand. He looks so ugly and disgusting when he’s high and it makes me sick to my stomach. I couldn’t stand it I hid his vape and vape juice that had THC and he freaked out big time. I’m done with this relationship but I can’t seem to let go. He does not want to hear me when I tell him I see the addiction pattern again.

They may lie to your face or go through terrifying mood changes. If your child is addicted to cocaine, they’ll do or say nearly anything for their next fix. Your son or daughter may even try to quit, only to turn back to the drug when faced with painful withdrawal symptoms.

What to Do If Your Teen Resists Going to Addiction Treatment

As a parent, you quickly learn your decisions don’t only affect you, they affect your child as well. Sometimes those decisions breed great things for our children, and sometimes they don’t —- such is the way of parenting. This article made me feel validated in my feelings.